Published Studies
Fish E, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. Patent urachus. Marmara Medical Journal 4: 152-153, 1991.
Ulman İ, Herek Ö, Özok G, Avanoğlu A, Erdener A. Traumatic rupture of mesenteric cyst: A life-threatening complication of a rare lesion. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 5: 238-239, 1995
Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Ergün O, Özcan C, Demircan M, Özok G, Erdener A. Blood transfusion requirements in children with blunt spleen and liver injuries. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 8: 322-325, 1998
Ibrahim Ulman, Ali Avanoglu, Volkan Erikci, Acun Gokdemir. Is resolution of vesicoureteric reflux by conservative management predictable in patients with myelodysplasia? European Urology 34: 226-229, 1998
Ferda Özkınay, Ayşe Yenigün, Cihangir Özkınay, Ali Avanoğlu, İbrahim Ulman. Two siblings with fetal hydantoin syndrome. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 40: 273-2788, 1998
Ahmet Celik, Ibrahim Ulman, Mervan Aydin, Ahmet Arikan, Ali Avanoglu, Acun Gokdemir. Familial vesicoureteral reflux in asymptomatic siblings. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 44(3):240-3, Jul 2002
Akil I, Ulman I. Enuresis. Turkiye Klinikleri J Urology-Special Topics 2010;3(2):59-65