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Published Studies

  1. Yararbaş Ö, Kaplan H, Musoğlu A, Köksal N, Palalı İ, Ulman İ. Late evaluation of patients with esophageal variceal bleeding who underwent emergency and elective portasystemic shunt surgery. Aegean Medical Journal 25: 917-926, 1986.

  2. Balık E, Avanoğlu A, Çetinkurşun S, Sayan A, Ulman İ. Ganglioneuroma with intraspinal extension (Dumbbell). Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2: 114-115, 1988.

  3. Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A, Soydan S, Mutaf O. The long-term effect of cyclophosphamide administration on scarring in rats after injury. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 3: 20-23, 1989.

  4. Balık E, Çetinkurşun S, Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Sayan A. A case of thoracoomfalopagus. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 3: 55-57, 1989.

  5. Özkılıç H, Yaman Ç, Ünlü M, Ulman İ, Tunçyürek M, Balık E. Diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum by radioisotope scintigraphy (One case). Aegean Medical Journal 28: 451-457, 1989.

  6. Erdener A, Cetinkursun S, Ilhan H, Ulman I. The role of vitamin E in the prevention of postoperative intraperitoneal adhesions. National Journal of Surgery 5: 29-31, 1989.

  7. Erdener A, Balık E, Ulman İ, İlhan H, Çetinkurşun S. Acute appendicitis in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 3: 167-170, 1989.

  8. Erdener A, Çetinkurşun S, Avanoğlu A, Sayan A, İlhan H, Ulman İ, Balık E. The effect of intraperitoneal adjuvant 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine on healing of rat colon anastomosis. National Journal of Surgery 6: 25-27, 1990.

  9. Erdener A, Ulman İ, Çetinkurşun S, İlhan H. The effect of vitamin E on early wound healing. Aegean Medical Journal 29: 76-77, 1990.

  10. Erdener A, Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Ünlü M, Soydan S, Gökdemir A. Amniotic membrane wrapping in experimental renal trauma: A new treatment model. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 4: 139-142, 1990.

  11. Erdener A, İlhan H, Ulman İ, Numanoğlu İ. A case of conjoined twins with thoracoomfalopagus. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 4: 57-60, 1990.

  12. Erdener A, Season A, Ulman İ, Numanoğlu İ. The cryptophthalmos syndrome. The Journal of Pakistan Medical Association (JPMA) 40: 138-139, 1990.

  13. Balık E, Tunçyürek M, Sayan A, Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Çetinkurşun S. Malignant gastric teratoma in an infant. Z Kinderchirurgie 45: 383-385, 1990.

  14. Erdener A, Avanoğlu A, Çetinkurşun S, Ulman İ, Balık E. Ileocecal duplications causing obstruction and invagination. Aegean Medical Journal 29: 1098-1099, 1990.

  15. Fish E, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. Patent urachus. Marmara Medical Journal 4: 152-153, 1991.

  16. Balık E, Ulman İ, Demircan M. Tractor injuries: Are they always farm-related? (letter) The Journal of Pakistan Medical Association (JPMA) 41: 291, 1991.

  17. Erdener A, Ulman İ, İlhan H, Soydan S. Amniotic membrane wrapping: An alternative method to the splenorraphy in the injured spleen. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2: 26-28, 1992.

  18. Balık E, Özok G, Ulman İ, Demircan M, Sakallı Ü. Pediatric Trauma Score: Is it trustworthy as a whole in predicting mortality? Pediatric Surgery International 8: 54-55, 1993.

  19. Balık E, Ulman İ, Taneli C, Demircan M. The Rapunzel Syndrome: A case report and review of the literature. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 3: 171-173, 1993.

  20. Balık E, Yazıcı M, Taneli C, Ulman İ, Genç K. Splenoptosis (Wandering spleen). European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 3: 174-175, 1993.

  21. Albanese CT, Towbin RB, Ulman I, Lewis J, Smith SD. Percutaneous gastrojejunostomy versus Nissen fundoplication for enteral feeding of thely impaired child with gastroesophageal reflux. The Journal of Pediatrics 123: 371-375, 1993.

  22. Balık E, Özok G, Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Taneli C, Herek Ö. High pressure oxygen insufflation to facilitate submucosal dissection in Soave's operation. Pediatric Surgery International 9: 225-226, 1994.

  23. Un MA, Ulman I. Role of prophylactic antibiotics in uncomplicated appendicitis in children. Journal of Colon and Rectal Diseases 4: 70-74, 1994.

  24. Ulman İ, Ün MA, Tuğanalp A, Senan DI. Hydronephrosis and hypertension in a solitary kidney patient. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 8: 38-41, 1994.

  25. Albanese CT, Cardona M, Smith SD, Watkins S, Kurkchubasche Arlet G, Ulman I, Simmons RL, Rowe MI. Role of intestinal mucus in transepithelial passage of bacteria across the intact ileum in vitro. Surgery 116: 76-82, 1994.

  26. Avanoğlu A, Erdener A, Ulman İ, Herek Ö, Özcan C, Özdemir N. Amniotic membrane as a bioprosthesis: Is it a permanent material? Turkish Journal of Medical Research 12(5): 224-227, 1994.

  27. Balık E, Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Erikçi V, Demircan M. Removal of the open safety pins from the stomach and duodenum of infants without enterotomy. Pediatric Surgery International 10: 282-284, 1995.

  28. Balık E, Sayan A, Sahne A, Ulman İ, Taneli C. Recurrences of thyroglossal duct remnants: Infrahyoid extension as a cause of recurrence. Pediatric Surgery International 10: 309-310, 1995.

  29. Balık E, Ulman İ, Erikçi V. Removal of foreign body (pencil) in the stomach without gastrostomy. Journal of Izmir SSK Tepecik Hospital 5: 88-91, 1995.

  30. Erdener A, Ulman İ, Özcan C, Genç K. A case of sigmoid colonic volvulus secondary to Hirschsprung's disease. Pediatric Surgery International 10: 409-410, 1995

  31. Gokdemir A, Avanoglu A, Ulman I. Pediatric urinary lithiasis in Turkey. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 9(1), 299-303, 1995 (special issue)

  32. Ulman İ, Demircan M, Arıkan A, Avanoğlu A, Ergün O, Özok G, Erdener A. Unilateral inguinal hernia in girls: Is routine contralateral exploration justified? Journal of Pediatric Surgery 30:1-4, 1995

  33. Ulman İ, Herek Ö, Özok G, Avanoğlu A, Erdener A. Traumatic rupture of mesenteric cyst: A life-threatening complication of a rare lesion. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 5: 238-239, 1995

  34. Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A, Gökdemir A. Neuroanatomy of the human striated urethral sphincter (letter). British Journal of Urology 75: 424-425, 1995

  35. Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A, Herek Ö, Kavaklı K, Gökdemir A. A simple method of treating priapism in children. British Journal of Urology 77: 460-461, 1996

  36. Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Balık E. Letter to the editor. Malignant gastric teratoma in an infant. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 31: 327, 1996

  37. Çelik A, Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A, Demircan M, Erdener A. Treatment of Fournier's gangrene in children: A case report. Aegean Medical Journal 35: 181-185, 1996

  38. Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A, Genç AK, Şahin H, Gökdemir A. Congenital bladder diverticulum in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 10: 13-16, 1996

  39. Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A, Özcan C, Demircan M, Özok G, Erdener A. Gastrointestinal perforations in children: A continuing challenge to nonoperative treatment of blunt abdominal trauma. The Journal of Trauma 41: 110-113, 1996

  40. Ulman İ, Herek Ö, Genç K, Erdener A. Microphthalmos associated with esophageal atresia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 31: 433-434, 1996

  41. Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A, Erdener A, Şahin H, Gökdemir A. Evaluation of the lower urinary tract function in caudal duplication (dipygus) anomaly. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 31:1680-1681, 1996

  42. Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Herek Ö, Özok G, Gökdemir A. Posterior urethral injuries in children. British Journal of Urology 77: 597-600, 1996

  43. Ulman İ, Çelik A, Çetinkurşun S, Öztop F, Balık E. Late complications after pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma treatment: A case report. Aegean Medical Journal 35: 173-176, 1996

  44. Avanoğlu A, Erikçi VS, Ulman İ, Özok G. Lymphangiomas in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 10: 28-31, 1996

  45. Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Özcan C, Çelik A, Erdener A. Midgut atresia with partial situs inversus. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 10:101-103, 1996

  46. Ulman İ, Sakallı Ü, Avanoğlu A, Çelik A, Ulman C, Fadıloğlu M, Gökdemir A. Serum creatine kinase enzyme levels in the early diagnosis of spermatic cord torsion. Urological Research 24:329-331, 1996

  47. Ulman İ, Erikçi V, Avanoğlu A, Gökdemir A. The effect of suturing technique and material on complication rate following hypospadias repair. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 7: 156-157, 1997

  48. Ali Avanoğlu, Özkan Herek, İbrahim Ulman, Orkan Ergün, Alper Tünger, Murat Alkanat, Ata Erdener. Effects of H2 receptor blocking agents on bacterial translocation in burn injury. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 7:278-281, 1997

  49. Kaan Kavaklı, Güngör Nişli, Coşkun Özcan, Ali Avanoğlu, İbrahim Ulman, Acun Gökdemir, Polat A, Aydınok Y. Safer and much cheaper circumcision using fibrin glue in severe haemophilia. Haemophilia 3:209-11, 1997

  50. Ibrahim Ulman, Ahmet Celik, Coskun Ozcan, Ali Avanoglu, Acun Gokdemir. Evaluation of inguinal hernias in patients with bladder exstrophy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 11: 31-33, 1997

  51. Ibrahim Ulman, Oktay Mutaf. A critique of systemic steroids in the management of caustic esophageal burns in children. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 8: 71-74, 1998

  52. İbrahim Ulman, Ergün O, Avanoğlu A, Gökdemir A. The place of Mitrofanoff neourethra in the repair of exstrophy-epispadias complex. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 8: 352-354, 1998

  53. Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Ergün O, Özcan C, Demircan M, Özok G, Erdener A. Blood transfusion requirements in children with blunt spleen and liver injuries. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 8: 322-325, 1998

  54. Ibrahim Ulman, Ali Avanoglu, Volkan Erikci, Acun Gokdemir. Is resolution of vesicoureteric reflux by conservative management predictable in patients with myelodysplasia? European Urology 34: 226-229, 1998

  55. Ferda Özkınay, Ayşe Yenigün, Cihangir Özkınay, Ali Avanoğlu, İbrahim Ulman. Two siblings with fetal hydantoin syndrome. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 40: 273-2788, 1998

  56. Ali Avanoglu, Ahmet Celik, Ibrahim Ulman, Coskun Ozcan, Kaan Kavakli, Gungor Nisli, Acun Gokdemir. Safer circumcision in patients with haemophilia: the use of fibrin glue for local haemostasis. British Journal of Urology 83: 91-94, 1999

  57. Ozcan C, Ulman I, Kara S, Avanoğlu A, Kapubağlı A, Gokdemir A. Clinical results with anterior diagonal iliac osteotomy in bladder exstrophy. Journal of Urology 163(6):1932-5, Jun 2000

  58. Ulman I, Jayanthi VR and Koff SA. The Long-Term Followup of Newborns with Severe Unilateral Hydronephrosis Initially Treated Nonoperatively. Journal of Urology 164, September 2000.

  59. Ergun O, Ulman C, Kilicalp AS, Ulman I. Carnitine as a preventive agent in experimental renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Urological Research 29(3):186-9, Jun 2001

  60. Ahmet Celik, Ibrahim Ulman, Coskun Ozcan, Ali Avanoglu, Ata Erdener, Acun Gokdemir. Reconstruction of Penile Shaft Amputation: Is Microvascular Reanastomosis Mandatory ? British Journal of Urology International BJU international;92 Suppl 3():e41-e42, 2003

  61. Ahmet Celik, Ibrahim Ulman, Mervan Aydin, Ahmet Arikan, Ali Avanoglu, Acun Gokdemir. Familial vesicoureteral reflux in asymptomatic siblings. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 44(3):240-3, Jul 2002

  62. Orkan Ergun, Ahmet Celik, Nergul Corduk, Ibrahim Ulman, Ali Avanoglu. De-inversion of an inverted appendectomy for Malone procedure: case report. British Journal of Urology International BJU international;92 Suppl 3():e,3, 2003

  63. Herek O, Ulman I, Ozcan C, Avanoglu A. Bilateral testicular teratoma in infancy: report of a_rare case treated by testis-sparing surgery. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery.14(3):209-11, Jun 2004

  64. Pelvic floor stimulation in the treatment of detrusor instability in children. Altug N, Avanoglu A, Bolisik B, Emir N, Ulman I. Conference: 15th Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Paediatric-Urology (ESPU), Regensburg, Germany, Apr 22-25, 2004. BJU International. Apr 2004; 93 Suppl 2:82-83

  65. Mandiracioglu A, Ulman I, Luleci E, Ulman C. The incidence and risk factors of neural tube defects in Izmir, Turkey: a nested case-control study. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 46(3): 214-20, Jul-Sep 2004

  66. Gulbahar O, Demir E, Mete N, Ulman I, Can D, Sin A, Gulen F, Kokuludag A, Tanac R, Sebik F. Latex allergy and associated risk factors in a group of Turkish patients with spina bifida. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 46(3):226-31, Jul-Sep 2004

  67. Ergun O, Ulman I. Protective effect of L-carnitine on renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury in the rat. (letter) Cell Biochem Funct. 23(5):369; author reply 370, Sep-Oct 2005

  68. Sozubir S, Celik A, Emir N, Avanoglu A, Ulman I. Consistency of urodynamic parameters in children with detrusor instability: how many times should the bladder be filled? Urologia Internationalis 75(2):129-32, 2005

  69. Ulman I. Hydronephrosis and Urinary Obstruction in the Child. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Sci 2005;1(12):1-4

  70. Sozubir S, Ergun G, Celik A, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. The influence of urine osmolality and other easily detected parameters on the response to desmopressin in the management of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis in children. Minerva Urologia Nephrologia 58(2):207-12, Jun 2006

  71. Karaman IM, Kaya C, Özkovancı Ü, Oktar T, Emir H, Ulman İ, Germiyanoğlu C, Dalkılıç A, Taşçı AI, Göktaş C. Turkey's hypospadias profile: a multicenter study. The hypospadias profile in Turkey: a multicentric study. Turkish Journal of Urology 2007; 33(4): 471-475

  72. Tanriverdi HI, Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A. Our experience with endoscopic nephroureterectomy and upper pole nephroureterectomy with intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal approach. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2007;21(5):59-61

  73. Ozcan C, Ergun R, Ozbek SS, Avanoglu A, Ulman I. Bladder ultrasound in the evaluation of the efficacy of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid injection for treatment of vesicoureteral reflux. JClin Ultrasound. 2007 Sep;35(7):357-62

  74. Ozel SK, Dokumcu Z, Akyildiz C, Avanoglu A, Ulman I. Factors affecting renal scar development in children with spina bifida. Urol Int. 2007;79(2):133-6

  75. Özgürbüz N, Khorshid L, Eşer İ, Ulman İ, Avanoğlu A. The effect of urethral catheter on urinary flow values in pediatric urodynamics. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2008;22(3):133-137

  76. Ural Z, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. Bladder dynamics and vesicoureteral reflux: factors associated with idiopathic lower urinary tract dysfunction in children. J Urol. 2008 Apr;179(4):1564-7

  77. Divarci E, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. Retroperitoneoscopic laparoscopic treatment of renal hydatid cyst in a child. J Pediatr Surg. 2010 Jan;45(1):262-4

  78. Selvi N, Ergün R, Gube O, Yıldırım U, Tetik A, Gündüz C, Ulman İ, Eroğlu Z. Genetic polymorphism of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase as a risk factor for lumbosacral neural tube defects. MEJSR 2010;6(1):93-98

  79. Obstructive uropathies in children. Obstructive uropathies in children. Ulman İ, Divarci E. Turk Pediatric Archives-Turkish Archives Of Pediatrics. 2010 Jun; 45(S): 85-89

  80. Demir N, Canda MT, Sezer O, Ulman I. Discordant late onset lower urinary tract obstruction in a dizygotic twin pregnancy treated with vesicoamniotic shunt. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2010;30(7):739-40.

  81. Tiryaki S, Ergun O, Celik A, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. Success of Malone's antegrade continence enema (MACE) from the patients' perspective. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2010 Nov;20(6):405-7.

  82. Akil I, Ulman I. Enuresis. Turkiye Klinikleri J Urology-Special Topics 2010;3(2):59-65

  83. Divarcı E, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. Transverse testicular ectopia treated by transseptal contralateral transposition: case report. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2011 May;21(3):191-2.

  84. Tiryaki S, Alkac AY, Serdaroglu E, Bak M, Avanoglu A, Ulman I. Involution of multicystic dysplastic kidney: Is it predictable? J Pediatr Urol. 2013 Jun; 9(3):344-347.

  85. Özbaran B, Özen S, Gökşen D, Korkmaz Ö, Onay H, Özkınay F, Çokulu Ö, Erermiş S, Köse S, Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ, Darcan Ş. Psychiatric approaches for disorders of sex development: experience of a multidisciplinary team. J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2013;5(4):229-35.

  86. Zvizdić Z, Ulman İ, Hadžimuratović A, Vatrenjak-Vanis S, Begić-Kapetanović S, Karavdić K, Popović N. Primary correction of bladder exstrophy in female newborn. Medicinski žurnal 2013 19 (1): 72 - 74

  87. Alparslan C, Yavascan O, Dogan SM, Tugmen C, Karaca C, Avanoglu A, Ulman İ, Aksu N. Kidney transplantation in a child with bladder dysfunction who underwent prior bladder augmentation: A case report. Pediatrician Nephrol. 2013 Aug;28(8):1520-1521

  88. Alkan M, Tiryaki S, Özbek SS, Avanoğlu A, Ulman İ. The maximum anteroposterior diameter of renal pelvis changes by hydration in cases of ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Turkey Clinics J Pediatr 2013;22(3):105-9

  89. Ulman I. Surgical management of vesicoureteral reflux under the magnifying glass: Undesirable results. Turkey Clinics J Pediatr Sci 2014;10(1):92-6

  90. Kocherov S, Ulman I, Nikolaev S, Corbetta JP, Rudin Y, Slavkovic A, Dokumcu Z, Avanoglu A, Menovshchikova L, Kovarskiy S, [......], Durán V, Burek C, Sager C, Dmitriy M , Garmanova T, Djamal A, Jovanovic Z, Vacic N, Abu Arafeh W, Chertin B. Multicenter Survey of Endoscopic Treatment of Vesicoureteral Reflux Using Polyacrylate-Polyalcohol Bulking Copolymer (Vantris). Urology 2014 Sep; 84(3):689–693.

© 2021  Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ulman

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