Gender Uncertainty
Deficiency or excess of some hormones, some chromosomal abnormalities, some drugs used during pregnancy cause changes in the genitals of the baby, causing the gender to be uncertain. Although the chromosomes or internal organs are female, externally male-like genitalia can be seen. Sometimes the opposite is the case, that is, babies may be born with male genitalia but with female-like external genitalia. Babies whose chromosomes and organs have both male and female characteristics can also be born (bi-sex). This disease requires a group of experts to decide with the family what the baby's gender is or should be, with some examinations to be made immediately after birth. This group makes a recommendation to the family, taking into account the patient's future sexual life, psychology, family expectations, social environment, the difficulty of the surgical correction and the chance of success, and the treatment is started at the request of the family. In order for the child not to have psychological problems, the surgical treatment should be completed if possible before the age of 2.5 -3 years, which is the age of recognizing his genitals and gaining his sexual identity.